Aggregation Patents
Secure network access
eTeam members named as inventors in the following patents:
US – US Patent 8200966
Australian – Australian patent 2002232973 – Specification
European Patent EP1368768
Japanese Patent JP4833501
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Patent 04104140.7
Online payments
A system and method for facilitating on-line payment
eTeam members named as inventors in the following patents:
Australia 2004250269
USA PN/8825545
Canada 2530653
New Zealand 544907
Securing internet banking payments
A method and apparatus for facilitating a secure transaction
eTeam members named as inventors in the following patent:
Australia 2006315079
Mobile payments with QR code
A method and apparatus for facilitating payment via mobile networks
Paying merchants from a bank account
Electronic transaction system
eTeam members named as inventors in the following patent:
USA 20140032399
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